Learning outcome #4

Learning outcome #4

Learning outcome 4

When we first did peer reviews I definitely struggled. In High school our peer reviews mainly consisted of correcting spelling mistakes and not so much fixing sentence structure or leaving helpful suggestions on how to correct a paragraphs set up. We also didn’t look at correcting impeded quotes. When I review one of my peer’s papers I try and read over it a couple times out loud so I can hear mistakes as I’m reading.

When I’m correcting a peer’s paper I really try to look for things like run on sentences or repetitive words. I find those to be the most common among papers. I will leave suggestions on how they might be able to rewrite the whole sentence or give them other word suggestions on other word replacements. When correcting my peer Courtney’s paper for project number three I had noticed that she had a particularly long sentence that needed to be broken up and switched around a bit. I would leave comments like, “I might end the first sentence at the part that goes…” then I would point out the part and then continue on with a suggestion on how to start the next sentence. 

I think over the semester my peer reviews have gotten more helpful. The review and comments also depends on whose paper I’m correcting. There are some papers that I can’t seem to find a lot of places that corrections that need to be made, and then there are some that just need to have spelling mistakes corrected. It varies on how far along the person has gotten on the essay as well. It’s hard to correct a paper that doesn’t have all its parts to it yet. I think these peer reviews have also been pretty helpful when correcting papers for my other classes as well.
