Learning outcome #1

Learning outcome #1

Learning Outcome 1 

When I start the revision process I mainly focus on local revisions. I look for misspelled words and incorrect grammar along with punctuation like commas. That is how I’ve always started my revision processes for most of my papers. I focus on the little things like that because I feel like it is the easiest part to get out of the way before going back and replacing my paper. After that I will look at what my peers have to say about my paper. Once I look over their comments and suggestions and correcting them, I will go back in and reread my paper and fix the things I notice. While doing this part I like to read it out loud to change any weird sentences or repetitive word usage. Sentence structure, paragraph placements and global revisions are the largest thing to tackle. I normally save that part for the end because it takes the longest and I like to do it once I get suggestions form others. During this I will try and fix sentences that can either be expanded more or I’ll fix sentences that need to be shortened. I also use this tactic when reviewing other classmate’s papers. When doing global revision I will fist read through once and fix the smaller sentence structures and repetitive words. After that I will start focusing on paragraphs as a whole. I also wait till after I’m done with the global revisions to go in and write my conclusion paragraph. I do this because by the time I’m done revising I get a better understanding of what the overall paper turned out to be and with that I’m able to close the end of the paper. 

In my first draft I have lots of spelling mistakes and my information is kinda all over the place. As I continue my paper I try to organize little by little. My final revision is normally the biggest revision. I’m not one to fix as I go along so that means when I have my final revision it takes quite a while. I tend to also rely on my fellow classmates opinions because that tends to give me a better understanding on what I should focus on when I due my final revision process. The suggestions they give help me to better understand which way I should take the idea I’m trying to present. For this paper I focused more on global revisions compared to my other papers. I really tried to make it so my paragraphs flowed together more smoothly and that it wasn’t as choppy as my previous papers. 
