Journal #2

Journal #2

When I start drafting for my writing projects I start with what points I’m going to touch on the paper. I plan them out and set them up in the order I would like them to go. I then work on the introduction to the paper. I like to start the paper with some type of hook. My hooks normally include a definition of a word that is relevant in my paper. When I revise my own paper, I start by rereading and making changes to my mistakes. Once im done with my revisions i tend to have one of my friends of my teachers look over the paper one more time just to find any mistakes that i missed or if I should change anything structurly.
For peer reviews in high school i would normally have someone I was comfortable with to look over it because I’m insecure about my writing. Peer review was normally a switch as well so i would look over theirs while the looked over mine.
