Learning outcome #2

Learning outcome #2

Learning outcome 2

In my first paper this semester I didn’t really incorporate any background information before going into and adding quotes. In my first essay I have a lot of “Rhinehart says” or “Widdicombe said.” I would have maybe a one sentence introduction saying what paper the quotes are from but I wouldn’t give much information about who is saying what. Over the semester I gradually got better at introducing quotes. When incorporating quotes for the first essay I had a hard time introducing sources and evidence. As we hit the second big project I was getting a little better at introducing them.

When I was picking evidence for my Chosen Work Sample I tried to focus on my points first and then finding evidence to back it up and help support it. When I was writing the first two projects I would find the evidence first and then make my points around those because I felt as though it was harder to find quotes to back up my own points for those projects. For the first two papers I had a tough time because when I had a point or idea it was hard to find valid evidence to really help in explaining those points. For project two I had a hard time deciding which side I should take, the wizards or the prophets, so I went with both ideas and then tried to find evidence for both Mann and Widdicombe that could relate to each other. For my Chosen Work Sample I felt like I had more evidence that would support my ideas and points because I had to incorporate my fellow classmates work and ideas. We are all feeling very similar things right now because we are all in similar situations. . 

When introducing points in this paper I felt as though I had a better understanding of what I needed to do. I introduced the source I was using and what they also thought, then went into their quote. And from there I stated how it related to the point I was trying to get a crossed. When I introduced evidence in this essay I actually gave background information which I didn’t do much of in the fist couple papers. The background information helped in giving more context to what my quote was showing. Of the semester I managed to finally introduce evidence in a way that would actually improve the points I’m trying to make.  
