Journal #23

Journal #23

In response to Kaleigh’s journal #21. I agree with a lot of what she is saying. I do think we should have started to take precautions as soon as we heard of the virus in China. I do think that no one thought that it actually make it to the US. I know I didn’t. She also makes a good point in saying that we are doing a lot to stop the Coronavirus  because it is having a faster impact. Climate change has been happening for a long time now, once the effects of climate change speed up and hit harder people will start to do stuff. It seems like we as a population, wait until the damage has already begun to start changing our lifestyles and trying to prevent it. We need to start trying to take action in prevent damages before they get to us.  We have the mentality of “that’s not going to happen to us.” It’s something we always do and normally whatever we think “isn’t going to happen to us,” does. 
