Journal #19

Journal #19

I think it must have been pretty scary for the volunteers and workers because no one really knew much about the virus at that time. It was brave of them to work so closely with those who were sick. People were risking their own health to help others. There was a shortage of doctors and nurses because of war and because of that they needed more people to step up and help out. I feel like volunteering then must have been a lot more dangerous and scary because of the fact that they weren’t as advanced in medical technology as we are today. From what I read in the narratives we read last week there were also a lot of dead bodies lying around which could also add the mess of things. To work and volunteer must have also been very stressful. There were lots of people getting sick. It must have been overwhelming for those working. And to be a volunteer and not an actual doctor must have been even scarier. 

I don’t think a lot of people now would be so willing to step up and volunteer. But I also feel like like they would be stricter on who could help, you would most likely need some type of prior medical experience to help out. People now are even more scared about getting sick. Despite the fact that we have better medicines and vaccines now than we did then. I know that some very good citizens would proudly step in and help, but most people wouldn’t be as willing if they don’t need to. I’m not sure if I would volunteer. It’s not that I’m terrified of getting sick, it’s that I wouldn’t know what to do.

There are lots of people now who are trying to help other people in the community. Our local schools are dropping off food to kids who normally get school lunch because thy cant afford to have food at home. We have young adults going out and running errands for elderly people who are more at risk of getting sick. And most people are doing their part in preventing the spread of the disease. 
