Journal #3

Journal #3

Chapter 3 in They Say I Say, had some very insightful suggestions on how to integrate a quote into your writing. That has always been a struggle for me throughout my writing journey. I manage to find quotes that fit into the topic of my paper but I never know how to explain it again once I have the quote. This chapter gives many examples on how to improve my explanations after a quotation along with how to introduce the quote into the writing.

This chapter overall helps to show more ways on how to integrate quotes into your writing. The way the book explains it makes it a lot easier to understand than how my teachers used to tells us. The examples and explanations are good points to look out for when editing and revising a paper. In high school they didn’t really focus on how to explain a quote when you put it into your paper. They focus on how to cite quotes. I will surely come back to look at these examples for when I’m writing a paper and need to integrate a quote in it.
