Journal #9

Journal #9

Page 2 paragraph #2 

This passage talks about William Vogt’s view. I think his ideas are probably closer to what Mann most likely believes. Mann is worried about his children’s future and Vogt is also worried about the future. He thinks that if human kind does not change our consumption of food and our population we will end us. I believe this is most likely true, but I also think some points might be wrong. Lots of people now are having less children or even no children at all. Lots of people are also changing their diets. People are going vegan or vegetarian to cut out the meat consumption. There isn’t many more places to farm unless we tear more habitats down, which in turn will also still hurt us. We need to cut down on our food consumption in general. Even with the advancements in technology now, I still don’t think it will solve the food problem for future generations. 

Page 4 paragraph #1 

In this passage it is talking about Vogt’s book and some of the points he makes within it. It brings up the point carrying capacity. They define it as “every ecosystem has a limit to what it can produce. Exceed that limit for too long and the ecosystem will be ruined.” I think that is an accurate representation of what will happen. This is something that Mann is most likely afraid will happen. He’s afraid that because of Earth’s carrying capacity his daughter wont have a good life in the future, which is something I think some parents might be worrying about as well. I agree with Vogt’s points and Mann’s worries. I’m not a parent but it is something that I’m still worried about for myself and my family. I don’t think it’s something a lot of people are worrying about unless they are really invested in climate change and environmental issues. It isn’t something we discuss in my home. 

Page 2 the last paragraph

This paragraph talks about Norman Borlaug’s views on the future of food and food consumption. He believed in “techno-optimism” which is the thought that technology and science can help us produce a way out of the problem. He thought that with the advancement in technology and science would allow us to produce food and crops. On page 5 it talks about Borlaug’s “semi-dawrf” wheat. I font believe in the fact that technology could potentially help us with this problem. This might help put Mann’s mind to ease, but I don’t think it is the cure to our problem by any means. Many parents might ty to agree with this statement just so they don’t need to focus on the problem at hand. They will look too technology to solve our predicament.  I believe technology is helpful for certain things, but we aren’t meant to rely on it for issues this impactful. 
